Next Step – Do We Fit In?
1. copied from “Embed Journey”. Journey is not displayed.
- <iframe src=”https://″ style=”border: 0″ allow=”fullscreen; autoplay” allowfullscreen></iframe>
2. removed extra “https://” from src argument. This shows first part of journey in default sized frame, but after clicking it, it returns here before journey is over.
- <iframe src=”″ style=”border: 0″ allow=”fullscreen; autoplay” allowfullscreen></iframe>
3. changed height and width of frame. It shows first part of journey in larger frame, but after clicking it, it returns here before journey is over.
- <iframe height=”500″ width=”100%” src=”″ style=”border: 0″ allow=”fullscreen; autoplay” allowfullscreen></iframe>
4. try pasting this URL into a browser tab, and the whole journey will play.